Who We are?

Welcome to KBR!

Karnataka Book of Records, is an organization that catalogs and verifies extraordinary records across the karnataka with authentic certification. It is a paramount state organization inspiring people to showcase their talents. It encourages people to break or set new records at state level. Besides, it invites individuals, significant institutions and places of unique interest across the world to be recorded. It also honors and lists the unique achievements of individuals, places and organizations. It has become the prominent organizations in the statae scenario. The organization promotes record making and it invites everyone and anyone, in any part of the karnataka to make their dreams, achievement a record-breaking a reality.

Karnataka Book of Records, is registered with indian trust act 1882 to promote the cause of youth and woman empowerment, education, culture and environment. Karnataka state is an amazing and extraordinary rich place housing many different cultured people . On our planet, living among us there are humans with REAL superpowers, who have something extra and special about them. We believe that everyone has at least one unique quality or a skill which makes them different from the rest of others . The Karnataka state is filled with plenty of talent, but due to limited number of platforms for this talent, there is always a challenge for people having such talents and skills to emerge properly and make a mark. Hence, Karnataka Book of Records has taken an initiative to motivate and appreciate people in order to showcase their talents and skills by creating and breaking an unlimited number of records with numerous categories on a state level stage. Karnataka Book of Records is an Exclusive state Book of Records. The record book aims to give a platform to people who have some hidden or unhidden talent, who want to stand ahead of others and want to have their name in the Karnataka Book of Records pages of history by doing and accomplishing unique attempts. Karnataka Book of Records is actively functioning to recognize and publish the unique achievements for such talented people all around the state. Karnataka Book of Records does not only give the certification of breaking the records to any Individual/Organization but also suggests the several records to common man which they can break and can make their own identity in this competitive world. Karnataka Book of Records also provides a good opportunity for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to carry out environment-friendly and social activities with creating or breaking records, which is also useful for Corporate Branding and Promotion of new Products and services. Karnataka Book of Records is working through an on-line portal which gets updated every twenty-four hours with the name of new record achievers. Last Record Holder Information is one of the greatest features of this portal, where visitors and aspirants can easily check the details of all the attempted records, A centralized and simplified application process enables the attempters to concentrate on their attempts rather than going through the tedious formalities of other record agencies. Karnataka Book of Records is to give these unique people a platform to showcase their talent and inspired other humans to go one step further. We at Karnataka Book of Records collate and publish notable records of all types, from first and best human achievements. Karnataka Book of Records also honour the people serving the community of karnataka to encourging them . Uniqueness of Karnataka Book of Records Other than encouraging people to break already set records, Karnataka Book of Records also suggests new records which people can attempt. Karnataka Book of Records also gives on-the-spot certification and online certification . Karnataka Book of Records works through an online and offline portal which gets updated every 24 hours for the convenience of the visitors and aspirants.Easy going process of claiming the attempted record.


Our Team Member's

Mir Sameem Raza
Founder (YES TRUST)
Dr. Kumail Abbas
Director (Karnataka Book of Records)